Thursday, January 08, 2009

Sitewarming Party and Laptop Giveaway! Please join in!

Resourceful Mommy is throwing a party...a site-warming party! What is a site-warming party you say? A site-warming party is a way to spread the word about your new site launch! Using the Twitter community, Resourceful Mommy hosts a one hour party where people tweet about the new site. To make it more exciting, door prizes are given during the party and you can register to win amazing prizes!

This Friday night, January 9th at 9pm EST, Resourceful Mommy is throwing a party for Family Eden! Family Eden is a site where you can join the '08 Memories community and share your favorite pictures and memories of the year! The party is hosted by @ResourcefulMom and she will be joined by panelists @mariabird80, @ErinJeany, @PainterMommy and @CreatedbyMom. They will be sharing their favorite memories of 2008 with their Twitter Friends and the Twitter Community!

There will be lots of door prizes throughout the party from sponsors like The Diaper Clutch, AllerZip Crib Protectors, Loops of Love Blankie as well as some others! Don't forget you can win a Toshiba Laptop! Just by joining in the party you will be entered to win of the three laptops Family Eden is giving away!

Click here for more information! Mark your calendars and don't forget to join the party!

Follow @ResourcefulMom on Twitter to learn about more of her great site-warming parties!

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Giveaway: Keurig Platinum Brewer System

Mom Blogs at Mom Dot is giving away a Keurig Platinum Brewer System ($199) and box of 18 assorted K-cups with a variety of flavors! Visit Mom Dot to enter today! Contest closes on January 29th.