What a great concept! diapees & wipees is a unique bag designed to hold a travel pack of wipes and two to four diapers. I personally don't use a "diaper bag". I carry all of my stuff in an oversized purse so there are no convenient pockets for all of the things I carry for my son. Having this separate bag to carry his diapers and wipes keeps them together nice and neat...and easy to find! The diapers no longer get scrunched up at the bottom of my bag! And its great when I just want to carry a diaper and some wipes to change him...everything is already in the compact bag. Just grab it and go!
They come in very fashionable fabrics to suit any style at a very affordable price! I got the Hot Dot fabric (pictured)! Click on the link below and check 'em out! Tell 'em you read about them at The Baby Panda's Reviews!
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